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NAME: Katie
SEX: Female
AGE: Late teens
CHARACTERISTICS: Outwardly reserved and reflective but inwardly adventurous and impulsive. Loves “all things spooky”.

Katie lived in a lovely, rose-covered cottage in a beautiful part of the English countryside. The lazy, peaceful days she spent there matched perfectly the rhythm of her inner soul. However, there was another side of her personality; more adventurous and impulsive. Katie enjoyed the excitement of GhostHunt, a game that she regularly played with her friends. GhostHunt indulged her love of all things spooky. For as long as she could remember, she had had a great fondness for ghost stories. Playing GhostHunt brought her as close as she could get to being in a ghost story of her own.



NAME: Sargeant Oats
SEX: Male
AGE: Late fifties
BIRTH PLACE: East End of London
CHARACTERISTICS: Overweight, often confused, would like to be thought of as a figure of authority but hardly ever is.”.

Gradually, from behind the blanket of fog, a shape appeared. As it drew closer, Katie made out a large man riding what seemed to be a very old bicycle, its rusty pedals squeaking as they went around and around. He was moving so slowly that he was in danger of tipping over at any moment. Every couple of feet, he would wobble even more and almost fall completely over, which explained the brief pauses in the squeaking. Eventually, he got close enough for her to see that he was a middle-aged, overly large man in an old-fashioned police uniform with sergeant's stripes on the arms. He was wearing a helmet that looked about two sizes too small that was balanced precariously on top of his large, egg-shaped head, barely held in place by a thin chin strap. He reminded her of one of those old English bobbies from Victorian times.



NAME: The lost Swedish Hiker
REAL NAME: Svetlana
SEX: Female
AGE: Early Twenties
BIRTH PLACE: Stockholm Sweden
CHARACTERISTICS: Devastatingly beautiful, speaks little English, loves hiking but is constantly lost.

Hello, please. Yes, lost I am, thank you." Someone else had emerged and was now standing right next to a befuddled Katie and what was apparently the real, live Sergeant Oats. "Oh my God!" Katie said under her breath. "It's Svetlana, the lost Swedish hiker." "Not knowing where I am, yes?" Svetlana continued. Oats seemed much taken with the newcomer's obvious charms and he switched his attention to the young lady. For a few minutes, there ensued a bizarre and disjointed exchange between the two, the hiker clearly not comprehending Sergeant Oats' broad, cockney accent and the poor sergeant trying in vain to understand the hiker's heavily accented, broken English. And to find an exaggerated, cliché character, you would not have to look any farther than the lost hiker. Sergeant Oats's stomach was not the only thing moving around; Svetlana's ample chest was barely kept in place by her flimsy blouse. Its buttons looked as though they were about to burst open at any time.



NAME: The Newspaper Reporter
REAL NAME: Natalie
SEX: Female
AGE: Unknown
Pushy, overbearing, aggressive, takes no prisoners, the story comes first.

Oh, Katie mused, it's Natalie, the reporter. "Where in God's creation are we?" The reporter exclaimed loudly at no one in particular in a scratchy, Brooklyn accent. "Well. . ." started Katie. "Is this that GreyFriar place?" the reporter interrupted. "Yes, ma'am," Oats confirmed. "Well, it's about time. I've been driving for ages, and these roads are appalling! I'll need all your names," the reporter demanded, producing a notepad and a pencil as if from nowhere. "Let's start with you, young lady," she continued as she walked over to Katie.



NAME: The Ghost hunter
SEX: Male
AGE: Early twenties
BIRTH PLACE: Oxford England
CHARACTERISTICS: Handsome, charismatic, adventurous, brave. Loves ghost hunting and tracking vampires.”.

Katie let out a gasp-not one of distress. Far from it; she had noticed a very handsome and rugged-looking young man who looked to be in his early twenties steps out from behind the other side of the car. He stood before them with a strong and reassuring look on this face, and he had a wonderful smile. It’s Nick the ghost hunter, Katie gasped. The reporter, realizing that she had lost everyone's attention, turned and saw that her passenger had disembarked. "Oh, that's Nick and the reason I'm here; he's some kind of ghost hunter, and he's going to investigate the strange goings on here. And I'm here to investigate him; isn't that right, good looking'?" she said, winking at him garishly.



NAME: The Psychic
SEX: Female
AGE: Early sixties
BIRTH PLACE: West of England
CHARACTERISTICS: Intelligent, sensitive, possesses a keen instinct, loves contacting ghosts and spirits.”.

Then, without warning and completely silently, like a giant bird of prey that had spotted its next meal, from out of the darkness, a large woman on a bicycle swooped into their midst. "I expect you're all here for the visitations," she announced as she glided to a perfect stop in front of them. Her question was delivered as casually as though she was asking who would like more sandwiches at a church tea party. "My name is Ruth, but I expect you all know that," she beamed as she glanced around the crowd. "Or maybe you don't" she concluded at seeing everyone's blank face.



NAME: The Mad Scientist
SEX: Male
AGE: Unknown
BIRTH PLACE: Eastern Europe 
CHARACTERISTICS: Completely mad, speaks little English, intelligent, possesses no social skills. Loves experimenting.  


The mad scientist thought Katie. "Dun't chu know vat's going on in hyere?" he blasted in a strong, East European accent. Unfortunately for him, he had arrived directly opposite Svetlana, and it was to her that he had posed his question. “Thank you. Yes I am very much please.” She volunteered. “What?” He replied, his face contorting as he tried to make sense of what she had said. Oats took the opportunity to speak up. “And what might I ask, are you doin’ in there?” The scientist's eyes rolled back as he paused and seemed to ponder the question, and just as he opened his mouth to reply, Katie let out a terrifying scream.



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